3 aesthetic treatments that are as effective for self-esteem as surgery

Expert lists cheaper, less invasive procedures that also help increase satisfaction with appearance

Brazil ranks first in the ranking of countries that perform the most plastic surgeries in the world. There are 1.5 million procedures per year, according to data from the International Society of Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) and the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery (SBCP). Liposuction and breast implant procedures lead the ranking.

However, when we consider that self-esteem is one of the main reasons that lead someone to resort to plastic surgery, it is worth highlighting that technology now makes available aesthetic treatments that, in this regard, are as effective as surgery and much less invasive.

“Less invasive procedures are a great option for those who don’t want to risk surgery but want to maintain their self-esteem. They have a lower risk of contamination, faster recovery and require a lower investment, in addition to guaranteeing results in a short period of time,” says Dr. Julia Borim, a specialist in Dermatofunctional Physiotherapy at HTM Eletrônica, a leading company in the development and manufacture of electromedical and aesthetic equipment.

Since it's a growing trend, Julia brings three examples of non-invasive aesthetic treatments that can be as effective for self-esteem as plastic surgery. Check it out:


Rhinomodeling is a technique that corrects the contour of the nose and imperfections resulting from rhinoplasty (plastic surgery). In the procedure, hyaluronic acid and traction threads are used to correct deviations in the nasal pyramid, asymmetries and disguise the nasal bone, among other benefits. The technique requires some simple care after being performed, such as not sunbathing or massaging the area in the first few days. The results last for one year.

2 – Cryolipolysis

This procedure combats localized fat using specific applicators that keep the skin tissue at a temperature of around -8 to -11 degrees. This freezes the fat cells and induces their destruction. “In most cases, we can achieve the desired results in a single session. And the applications can be made on different parts of the body, such as the arms, flanks, abdomen, hips, inner thighs and subgluteal region,” explains the specialist.

3 – Facial ultrasound

This is one of the most modern treatments for sagging skin and, depending on the type of ultrasound, it can have different applications. “Microfocused ultrasound, for example, is intended for facial application and generates small coagulation points in a very deep layer of the skin (the SMAS – Facial Musculo Aponeurotic System), stimulating collagen in large quantities and generating a non-surgical lift effect. 5MHz ultrasound, on the other hand, micromassages the tissue, increasing circulation and, therefore, nutrients and tissue oxygen, leaving the skin much firmer, from the first session”, concludes Julia.

About HTM Electronics

HTM Eletrônica is a leading industry in the development and manufacture of equipment for the aesthetics and physiotherapy segment in Brazil. The company was founded in 1999. With a highly qualified multidisciplinary team, HTM is located in Amparo – SP and focuses on professional beauticians and physiotherapists who are interested in technology for clinics.

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